Another kind of Bird

I heard some rattling and hovering early this morning while having my morning shower and all the time while dressing and eating breakfast, and when I arrived at school, I still heard it, and only realised then that this sound never stopped, then I saw this huge helicopter just above the mountains. I think it did some 'crime prevention operation' around here!

Phew, today was another crazy day at work!! I arrived at school to find a young carpenter waiting for me, to install new cupboards in my office! Eisch, what a hustle and bustle to move desks and cabinets etc. all around the office and staffroom, to make space for them to work! My whole office is upside down and I was totally confused all day long!! Hiehiehie!! There was some technical hiccup to top it all, and the whole job was stalled until Wednesday!! Bummer!! :- (

Now, that's what you call a BLUE MONDAY!! Hiehiehie

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