Yes! I did take a picture of the Curly Wurly Bridge, though at the time I had no idea of the significance of the moment!

Such plans I had today (Sunday, as I'm back-blipping here), but a rare duck had waddled into a lake not too far away from home and G was set on seeing it. I had envisaged hours of peace stretching ahead, until my company on the birding trip was requested. And as I had just spent two days gallivanting with Hellonwheels in Edinburgh, it seemed my wifely duty to accompany him.

Luckily the duck loomed out of the thick fog enveloping the lake for long enough to identify it as an American Wigeon. Otherwise there would have been two of us sulking; G for the lack of the bird; me for the wasted time.

When we eventually arrived back home I set about to finish making a birthday card before the daylight faded. I only just about managed it. Then things like making dinner kept me busy and I only had time to transfer my Edinburgh trip photos from the camera to my computer before I was fading fast and headed for bed.

So, now back-blipping, I am [embarassingly behind in thanking Lady Findhorn and CanCarrier for making our visit to Edinburgh so special. My highlight of the day was meeting them for a mini-blipmeet. And what a hoot is was! But the time flew by, and had Hell not had her wits about her we would have missed the checkout time at the hotel. Thank you Lady Findhorn and CanCarrier, meeting you was a huge pleasure and I sincerely hope we will have another opportunity sometime in the future. And next time [u]we'll[/u] pay for the coffee Lady F!

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