Whisky Galore
Evening all
Busy day today, here, there and everywhere !!!
So picked Handsome Boy up from school, had a quick bite to eat then went swimming......great fun !!! ;0) Mamma G home tomorrow !!!! ;0)
This is a small part of my whisky collection....emphasis on small lol !!! But a very important part....this is where it all began !!! Whisky Galore !!!!
Years ago I never liked whisky at all, had an american Uncle that loved it, I hated the smell. Eventually that changed !!!! But when I got out the Army, wasn't sure what I wanted to do but needed money so a job came up in The Royal Scot Hotel just on the outskirts of Edinburgh (omen- I left the Royal Scots and 1st job, Royal Scot Hotel !!! )
I carried the case for this guy to his room and he handed me 2 miniature Whiskies.....gave me another next day. I thought 'cheapskate'......Head Doorman informed I should keep them as its only made for export so might be worth something.....or drink it !!!
I kept them and now have a huge collection.........that guy has a lot to answer for !!!!!;0)
Dimples Whisky, Triangular bottle, only for export. As you can see they are at different levels .....this is known as "The Angels Measure".....They owe me a few whiskies by the way.....bloody piss artists !!! ;0)
Edradour there in the background is from the smallest distillery in Scotland.
Have a great evening ;0)
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