The Year Starts Now

By PamelaEvans


A day like yesterday needed a little boost, it was a dreich winters day in Aberdeen, typical for this time of year with the heavy grey cloud lairing the sky preventing night to become fully day, spatters of rain added to the atmosphere which resulted in a lethargic slum and resistance to do much in the evening.

For me there were the beginnings of a cold and soar throat and yes I am embarrassed to say as a woman I was showing signs of "man flu" pathetic was not beneath me.

Following a cold 50 minute walk home from the office (via Boots for more mediation) I walked into my warm home unraveling the lairs, making my lemsip, walking through to the lounge hugging the oversized mug holding the pain relief my throat so desired, a smile crept across my face as I noticed the note left on the coffee table from my partner.

It's the little things in life that matters, it doesn't take much to show someone you care and sometimes just doing something thoughtful like leaving a note is all that one needs to help them in their day.

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