smile like a rabbit

By smilelikeabunny

Shining Light

'Did you see that!' asked Frank, mouth gaping open in wonderment.

'What?' replied Chester, now looking up and in the most disinterested voice imaginable.

'That bright light, stupid,' said Frank far too quickly, annoyed at his friends apparent ignorance.

'Alright, antsy pantsy. No need to go all Ramsey on me,' replied Chester with a hint of an apology in his voice.

'OK. Sorry. But did you see it?' asked Frank, relenting as he did do & hoping he could share a joint experience.


'The light. The extremely amazing bright light that just came and went in the sky.'

'No, I didn't. I was reading,' offered Chester by way of explanation.

'Reading what?' Frank asked, hoping for the answer to be something meaty to appease his growing anger.

'The paper.'

'Oh. Right. Well you missed the most incredible light.'

'So I understand,' offered Chester, returning his gaze to the sports pages that were urgently appealing for his gaze.

'If only you did,' said Frank, shaking his head and looking up into the sky that had just offered glory.

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