Mummy and I went out today,
leaving daddy at home,
we popped to plymouth for a couple hours,
I got to walk around, till my tights fell down,
that was a oopsie, my poor dignity!
Everyone was saying how beautiful I am,
as I walked down the street like a little lady,
ha if they had only seen, me else were,
trashing shops, picking my nose, and farting loudly,
I have no shame, I blame the parents,
I mean really!! How else would I have learnt!
I have loved having some mummy time today,
really should do it more often .

Mummy has been really slack on blip recently,
she has been busy planning her future, and recently set up this website, She does stalk here, but doesn't have time to stop, she hopes to catch up soon and with this one too, she spotted a blip book on the shop here this morning, Oh my how does one choose!!! good idea blip...but Nooooooo so tough to chose 365!!! time to start saving mummy coz I think your going to need more then one!!

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