Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

An Acorn Visit

Back to the serious stuff today, We had a visit to do at the childrens hospice Acorn, this to those who dont know is an establishment that has been set up for people that have terminally ill kids, they may have had illnesses from birth or may have been diagnosed at some stage of their young lives.

It is a very difficult visit to do but on the other hand a very rewarding thing when you see the kids break into a huge smile at the sight of a tiny dog.

Unfortunately, I cant take pictures with the children because it then becomes a legal thing and we have to get forms signed etc, but the staff are always grateful of Roos time, so this lady was happy to pose with us today.

Ten minutes of my time is worth more than a million to me and Roo just to give that kid some quality time.

Roo you deserve to win Therapy dog of the year you star.

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