Alice in Blipland

By Alicemaylara

Top Tin Tin

I go home every lunch time to make sure Mr B is ok and to relieve his bladder. This means i'm normally the first to retieve the post from the shared post box. I sort them into flat numbers and generally NEVER get mail! However today I got this lovely card from my sister (complete with a Christmas stamp!).

She sent it from Brussels where she has been visiting my brother. Those two are majoraly obsessed with Tin Tin. They even visited the Tin Tin museum in Brussels! She said this card reminded her of me and Mr B camping! She always makes me laugh and i love her little letters. She has written to me since she left for university nearly ten years ago. I remember when i was about 13 i felt a bit deserted after she and my brother had left home. These letters always made me feel better. I have a box full of them

Today i listened to 'The songs my son loved' on Jermery Vine. Basically 30 mins of a mother telling Jermery about their son's who have been killed in Afgan with music that means something to them. I recommend it to you all. SO SO sad. Why is it that people who are so important to so many people in this world (their funeral numbers were in the thousands) whereas if i died id struggle to get in tens! This world isnt a fair place. It made me really want to go home and tell my parents that i love them sooo much!

Oh by the way it appears Santa reindeer is the favourite amoungst blippers!

And that's todays one through the looking glass

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