
By Stargirl1


today, was my Gran's 89th Birthday! It's no wonder she's made it to 89, she is one feisty, strong lady. Was only in the last couple of years she had to start taking a tablet for her blood pressure! the Doctor was very shocked to hear she'd reached a grand old age and never had to take any medication! in fact she's been very lucky with illness, in so far as not really suffering. Hope I've inherited plenty of her genes (as well as the feisty ones! ha)
May we celebrate a good few more birthday's x

So, I'm waaaaay behind on the Blips and failed miserably on doing a blip a day(although not a bad reason to miss my first day/blip, being too carried away having a good night with friends).. my challenge to do the 365 one on each consecutive day has ended.. probably just as well as in attempting to do so has created some baaad and boring blips.. hey ho... going to catch up with the upload and muster some new inspiration and enthusiasm...

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