The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Screw loose...

Today I mended the outdoor infra-red lamp for the girls by sussing out how to re-programme the outdoor timer. Bingo.

I manouvered the coal around the bunker, loaded up the kindling and now I can make the coal fire light in an instant. Easy peasy. I can even get the heat to flow around the house....

But I can't make the radiators work...the lounge is like a sauna, the sunroom is like an igloo. I have three unhappy little furry monsters, currently buried under a heap of old sheets and blankets. Shivering.

So you said the radiator key was in the red pot...sheesh, all I can find is: an old fifty pence piece, an old ten pen piece, a door bolt, two screws, a hinge, three paper clips, a piece of string, a drawing pin, a scrap of random paper...and this little thing. And it doesn't fit anything I can find, anywhere.

HELP!!! (please?)

Any chance you could pop home and fix them in your lunch break?!!xx

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