Around and about!

By xLindax

Not mush-room at the inn!!

After a very lengthy discussion with the whole class about parts in the nativity we finally decided on the cast.

As mentioned yesterday we had no takers for the innkeeper due to the fact he was married to a girl! But one very brave boy said he would play the part today but wanted to know if he would have to hold hands or even touch 'his wife'. No came the reply from one teacher just like in real life!!

Most of the girls were happy as they wanted to be dancing stars and twirling snowflakes! Although we did have to change one into a soldier as she certainly didn't want to do any of that dancing rubbish!

We are going into a very cold church tomorrow to get down to the nitty gritty
rehearsals. Oh what joy there'll be tears, toilet trips and a lot of quiet...sit down - love it x

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