
We had spent the last few days walking and running around Venice and so today we bought a 12 hrs Venice card and took to the water to rest our legs and see the city and some of the other islands from a different perspective.

We took the waterbus from Fondamente Nova on the northern edge of the island, close to our hotel, across to Lido and then back through the Canale di San Marco to the Grand Canal to Piazzale Roma where we disembarked and walked back through on a cafe search. En route up the Grand Canal we spotted this police speed trap set up behind a gondolo rank and just as I blipped them they pulled over this guy impressing his girlfriend by going too fast down the canal. She also filmed him being given his 'ticket'!

After a couple of paninis we took another waterbus from Fondamente Nove to the island of Burano which reminded me of Tobermory/Balamory. It is a tiny place of very neat, pretty houses painted in a whole rainbow of colours. I treated myself to a huge gelati here then we headed back to Venice and took the bus the opposite way around the island to see something of La Giudecca, before crossing to Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore to go up the tower for one of the best views (and cheaper than St Marks Square!) of the city as the sun started to sink below the horizon! Phew, what a place! We said goodbye to Antonio with a last meal in his restaurant and finished our holiday with a delicious hot chocolate in a bar on Fondamente Nove. Arriverderci Venice!

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