Journey Through Time

By Sue

Multi-Colored Leaves

I guess these are maple leaves. There are so many different kinds of maples, it's amazing. These are in Orchards Park, near my home. I stopped there on the way to the library, which has a small branch in our mall. It's foggy and cold outside, and the park was pretty quiet.

Actually considered returning to the park, now that my trips to bank and store are done, because I saw some great fungus stuff and the quick photo I took didn't come out, and then my battery died so couldn't try again. However, I think I'll try to remember it for another day and stay home and get some things done. Blip can become a full time job, and it should be a small part time job. So, the leaves were the best image in my 15 minute park stop.

Have a great day, Blippers. Tomorrow is a good old fashioned rainy, breezy day here. Wish we were at the will be nice and stormy there.

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