
By ciao

Move over!

Flew back frm San Francisco to London this morning, over took this slow coach Continental Lufthansa plane on the way. We were steaming along!

Overnight flights generally suck, but the starting a new day up in the air is always a plus. It's a different world up there, a real pity to come back to (grey) reality after enjoying the morning sun and stunning clouds for a few hours.

I love flying, think the planes are amazing and can't get over how easy it is to go to the other side of the world. That said, I had plenty of time to compile a list of gripes of airport and airplanes:

- Why can't people use Dyson airblade and dryers? If the concept is difficult to grasp there are simply instruction RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES, yet people aimlessly flap their hands about with a bemused expression.

- Some people are too wide for economy seats. I paid (well, work did) for 100% of my seat, no you cannot have 5-10% for your protruding shoulders.

- This guy buys (very nice) £150 Bose noise cancelling headphones for his flight, then puts them on with the R on his left ear.

- Nice screen to watch loads of movies, but person in front leads the seat so far back that the contrast is gone and I can only watch the highlighted sections of the film.

- So much waste. Everything is disposable and comes in a little plastic bag. Then at the end of the flight they ask that you help them become a 'sustainable airline' by leaving behind newspapers to recycle.

That'll do!

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