24 hour life

By Sarah12

Rotting leaves.

Worked. Took 30 6/7 year olds to church this morning. Climbing all over the pews, font and altar, shouting "oh my god" at the tops of their voices. Great. Came back and assisted in P.E, well, I saw to three cut feet, two headaches, yep, even the kids had headache after the church visit, one feeling sick and one with his finger stuck in a hole in the floor. Two having a scrap, and one walking out. I actually sympathised with him.

Came home, and guess what?! Yep, cleaning. I really have been a slovenly cow, whilst I had Belton. So, a big catch up was required. Everything cleaned, vaccumed, washed, ironed, eradicated, scrubbed and sanitized to within an inch of it's life. Feels better now. Almost wishing someone would drop in and see how clean it is!!

Out to the quiz tonight.

Have an idea for the big 300 tomorrow. But, might chicken out yet!!

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