All things Blipable....

By Tina


i really need to put these few pics away.. but they have sat on the unit in the lounge for about 2 weeks now... a constant reminder of my wee boy when he was a wee boy!

funny isnt it..

the days, weeks, months , years pass by and it all just moulds into one..

but when you look back you forget the hard slog...
the sleepless nights of poorly babies,
the worry of your husband heading to a war zone, and you being left at home alone..
the loss of a parent.. and then another..

its funny how resilient we all are as humans..but sometimes,when you look at it.. you realise just what a constant battle life really is!

as my dear dad would say

'ahh, but at least you have your health~ and thats something to be grateful for'

photos for me are a constant reminder of my life..
be it good or bad.
The world without photos~for inconceivable.

so maybe ill just leave them photos out on the side a while longer....


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