walking in the city

By inthecity

Today looks like this (ooh text's a little hyper)

Been doing so much painting lately I'm seeing it in my dreams. But I seriously can't complain. I'm losing count of how many fabulous beautiful days I've had in a row.

Friday my honey came over and did all my gardens (small city property but hey, gardens!) while I was out at Yorku. Even brought over a silly garden gnome and other fun stuff to plant. Plus a five cheese (!) lasagna for dinner.

And yesterday I got more hand-me-down stuff for the house, including cool patio furniture and a wicker armchair plus I got to visit with Mom and G. I love them. Afternoon at the gym, then light duty gardening, then a fabulous omelet while Pony and GreyBoy lazed around. Finished off by an evening on the verandah watchin the slammin thunder storms. I think I'm approximately the luckiest girl in all the land.

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