Betwixt broom handle and vacuum hose
The ivy tendril creeps upwards, upwards.
Toughened glass separates the forces,
Self-energised motion against
Tardy wardens reliant on random labour.

Triumphant will be the garden shears.

When is a Blipper not a Blipper?

When they think they've been caught out, especially by a witch (or an artist).

This morning in the gloom I thought to take a photo of the bend in the canal wall and the houses alongside, when a man, behatted and becoated against the cold, came out of the front door of a nearby house and approached me .
"What was I taking a photograph of?" he asked.
"The canal," I replied.
He then blocked my way and talked of many things, photographic topics amongst them. I just kept thinking that at any moment he would demand to know why, during previous days, I had been taking photos of his upstairs window.(I could hardly say the light hadn't been right). And more to the point, why I had wondered whether he was a witch or an artist!

And what answer would I have had? He eventually moved aside so I could continue on my way, though his parting comment was "See you again". No ?? I'll be walking a different route to work for a while!

I haven't had more than two occasions so far to proffer a Blipfoto card, 'tis a sad and lonely life I lead, but this definitely wasn't one of them!

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