The Memory Keeper

By athousandwords

Doggy Bag

Felt like a 'humiliate Luka' kind of day... Just got back from a crap trip to the stables...

Was trying to bring Risky in from the field, unfortunately there was somewhat of a hiccup. He shares a field with 5 other horses, two of which can be pretty bloody pushy when they want in for food. Anyway, was just coming through the gate when the other two started trying to escape. Not exactly sure what happened but my horse rushed to get out their way, pulling the gate closed on himself as he tried to get out... Rather than stop and back up (which would have been waaaay more sensible), Risky panicked and tried to shove through, which made the gate close even more. At this point he metaphorically shat his pants and struggled his way through a gap that was far too small for a person, let alone a horse. I didn't check, but he may well have broken the fence... I'll have a look tomorrow. Sadly his cosy warm rug took most of the damage, and there is about a foot-long tear down one side, and an even bigger rip on the other side. I guess it's just lucky he was wearing a rug, otherwise it could well have been his skin that took most of the damage :/

Aside from this, the horse was fine and acted like nothing had happened. A glass of wine helped when I got home :) And baggy shenanigans with the dog!

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