My Life In Pictures..

By SheWhoGlitters


This shot was taken whilst on my way to Starbucks to do some studying (feels like I'm living there of late..) and spotted a garden with a cluster of these gorgeous little purple flowers.. Thinking they would make a gorgeous blip, I whipped my camera out, and started snapping... Only for the owner of the garden to step out of his flat, and stop in his tracks, looking at me rather bewildered-ly. After hurriedly explaining about blipping, he went on his way, still looking a bit confused..

I've titled this shot inperfections. It's because, all of the flowers had something not quite right about them.. Some were discoloured, some (like this one) had torn petals, some were even missing petals altogether.. I still think they were beautiful though.. Sometimes, the inperfections enhance beauty..

Bed? I think so.

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