must try harder

By halfcj

Beast of Bushy

A lot of noise going on in Bushy Park as the rutting season comes to an end and the males are being pretty vocal in marking their territory.

In all the local newspapers, one particular stag has become quite the local celebrity. He's been attacking tourists who have been ignoring the multitude of signs warning them not to get close to them. The UK hacks have whipped up a frenzy and dubbed him the "Beast of Bushy," and the park has been littered with "Stag Stalkers', looking for the Beast and (more likely) tourists stupid enough to venture too close....for the money shot!

The 'frenzy', is allegedly because the stag in question may or may not have tried to attack 'innocent' tourists with the intent to maul them to their end....on more than one occasion. As I say, allegedly.

In the latest attack, a female approached the 'Beast' who then charged chasing her out of his personal space whilst a photographer clicked away, waiting until the animal had caught up with her and bagged his shot, before making any rescue attempt.

The 'Beast' wasn't hurt. Not so sure about the woman's pride.

This one seemed harmless and passive enough, although I wasn't that close!

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