Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Autumn leaves (Callum edition)

An uncanny resemblance to one year ago.

I had tried to bribe Callum earlier by the Reuben leaves from yesterday and when that failed without a single shot, I took a few bags full of beautiful scarlet maple leaves home with me in the car, then attempted to replicate the scene in my garden which is devoid of trees. Must make for a strange sight for passersby not knowing from whence the leaves came.

Newborn shoot this afternoon after the school run which gave me approximately 3 minutes to capture Callum in zero light. Now if you know my pictures, I don't dare venture beyond ISO 100, 200 at a push, unless I really have to despite my 5Dii telling me, "Catherine, you just have to trust me a little more. I can do it. Heck. I can do 6400". I chose to ignore Her. I opted for 1/25th instead. Shame on me.

Up very early tomorrow morning at 5am for a 7am shoot for the American Red Cross, some celebrities and major businesses. Given I've been getting to bed at 330am of late due to work (reality: my never quenching thirst for capturing my preschoolers) this should prove a little bit of a challenge to me. Images have to be delivered within a few hours as they're going to press.

So that I guess is how I'll be spending my 43rd birthday tomorrow.

Goodnight 42.
Goodnight even numbers.
Goodnight cow jumping over the moon.

I'm 42, I'm 42, I'm...

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