Pilgrim John-Max Alden

The Pilgrims grimly battle against disease and Indians, but are also obsessed with an eccentric love triangle, creating a curious mix of drama and comedy. Two bumbling, feuding roommates, Miles Standish and John Alden, vie for the affections of the beautiful Priscilla Mullins, Purrscilla Mullins , who slyly tweaks the noses of her undiplomatic suitors. The independent-minded woman utters one of the most famous retorts ever: "Why don't you speak for yourself, John?". The saga has a surprise ending, one full of optimism for the American future.

Of all the marriages that were a product of Mayflower couples, John and Priscilla Alden have the most descendants, for they had ten children. They include PresidentsJohn Adams, John Quincy Adams, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Jodie Foster, and many other well known figures in American history...and Blipfoto history if you include gpzero and me.


John Alden

For the Record,
This day came in cloudy and cooler with impending showers. The gas line men still dig and clunk and disrupt the peace outside for yet another week.

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