
By woolyme

Eastergate Summer Fair

I went to the fair with my mother today, Dad wanted to go but we just couldnt have got his wheelchair around and lucky really my elder brother visted so Dad stayed home.
We watched some young kiddies having a wonderful time dancing around themaypole and they really did seem to enjoy it, parents beaming from the sidelines.

We visited St Georges Church Eastergate where they held the art and craft exhibition.
Then i wandered around the church yard i took a couple of pictures of some gravestones and a lovely one of the church ROOF! But i really loved the big old Yew tree.
Mum read just today that they placed Yew trees in graveyards so that when the druids needed them they had to enter the church grounds and hopefully they would convert to their religion. . . . AS IF

Well thats my bit of new knowledge shared.

Enjoy your weekend one and all.

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