
First things first. In an hour or so I will be travelling to Dublin for a fundraiser in connection with next years Dublin Festival of Photography. It will be a late night so my apologies if I don't get to commenting on blips which appear after I've gone. Looking forward to the evening which in addition to mucic and dancing will include a couple of talks on our art plus some of the work from the Paris Festival which is just drawing to a close.

Time for a bit of experimentation today.

I pulled apart my old do it yourself pinhole camera last night and removed the pinhole panel. Then took a Canon body cap and drilled a neat 6mm hole in the centre. Next, taped the pinhole panel to the inside, placed the cap onto my Canon body and voila! one digital pinhole camera. Despite the dark horrid day I then dashed off to the local old graveyard and came up with a few shots. This is one of them.

For the tecchies out there, the exposure at ISO 400 was 15secs and as far as I can make out the equivalent focal length appears to be about that of an 80mm Canon lens. I'm now looking forward to some better lighting conditions for another shoot. Se ya all tomorrow!

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