
This is Andy, the personal trainer at my gym who makes my programmes. He's the one who's trying to kill me keeping me in shape with his hardcore programmes. Nice bloke. If you are at Pure Gym, I strongly recommend him as a personal trainer!

So yes, I had a new programme made today at the gym. I told Andy about blipfoto and he kindly agreed to be blipped! As you can see, he's growing a nice 'mo' for the Movember charity. The programme was hard. I'm feeling ok just now but I'll probably be very sore tomorrow!

Not much more happening today. The weather was not great in the afternoon, so I decided against going for a wander on the bike in the end. I've been looking at my pictures as well and trying to decide which ones to send to the Bank of Scotland competition (you can send as many as you want). Not easy, though!

I'm planning to have a relaxing evening today. If the weather is good tomorrow, I might take the bike and go somewhere, we'll see (that's if I'm not too sore!)

Thanks very much for your nice comment on my fishmarket blip! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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