
A beautiful morning today.
We took the Cygnet down to Crammond this morning and headed off towards the island.

We made the wrong choice by walking along the top of the walkway pushing the buggy.
It is really hard pushing a buggy along there with the rough stonework and sand.
Then it is damned awkward carrying a toddler (and then a buggy) down to the beach level.

3/4 along the causeways smooth surface gives way to a really rough one.
No way were we going to get the buggy as far as the island.
So we turned round and headed back.
We made the right choice and didn't try climbing the steps but went across the sand and up the slipway (if you don't know Crammond then this is making no sense to you, I know ........... but it is my story and I am going with it).
The wrong choice is trying to push a buggy and occupant across sand.
SWMBO made the right choice and dragged it backwards behind her.
The Cygnet thought this was a great joke.

Back on solid ground away from large quantities of water we gave Shorthouse his freedom.
He stopped to examine every leaf whilst going "Wooooo".
Very funny.
Even funnier was when a leaf blew past him and he ran after it and stomped on it as if to say "You aren't going anywhere now".

Wrong choice? ............ the Blip?
Should it have been one of the others?

We got home and the weather started to get wet.
It didn't stop our sick friend and her daughters coming round to visit SWMBO for her birthday.

It is now very windy and not nice and I will be going out for a teaching session ............... on SWMBOs birthday.
Bad choice?

If my blips stop today - you will know the answer.

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