Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...
I love Jem's eyes - they seem to look deep into your soul! When she was a puppy she had eyelashes to die for!
Three beautiful things
Driving - had a meeting to go to today and so a different journey to work. It's great to be able to do this now and then - a change in routine and scenery. Today it was stunning, driving through the lanes with the sunshine coming through the hedges and trees. We still have leaves changing colours and the effect in places is just stunning, especially along the River Dart.
Sharing good practice - Its great when you get to meet up with other colleagues and share the good practice that is happening in our schools. There is no shame in being a 'magpie'!
Challenge - I like days like today when I am challenged about my thinking and actions! It reminds me of my core moral purpose in ensuring that no matter what, it is 'children first'.
One thing to be grateful for:
Inspirational colleagues and mentors
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