View from a Window
Our new bathroom window to be precise. Which now has one fewer pane of glass than required, and - oh what's this? A small bouncy ball in the room! I'm sure that wasn't there when we left yesterday...
A small boy owned up to owning the ball, but claimed it was another boy who'd thrown it. My investigations continue...
Mostly today was spent taking kids to and from activities, taking the opportunity to move a car-load of boxes between houses each time. Conor's football must have been cancelled - we weren't there last week because of the car breaking down. Still, not spending an hour and a half standing on the touchline did at least give me time to finish the last shower at the MBH.
And home for duck and chips.
Last night I finally got a proper look at the creature that's been plaguing us lately, and nibbling the apples. It is an edible dormouse, though Mr B (who once ate a guinea pig*) has promised not to take that literally. Anyway it looks a bit like a small squirrel, but with big mouse ears. Very cute. So now instead of wanting to set traps, I'm leaving fruit out for it so it can get fat quick and hibernate. I am, however, leaving the fruit under the bench on the floor in the hope that it will stay there and stop crapping on the benches.
* in a location where it was culturally appropriate.
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