Seeing as I am

By seeingasiam

Bottling Out!

I've been rummaging in the practice cellar again, braving the huge, hairy spiders.

I wanted to photograph these bottles as soon as I saw them. I'm experimenting with a square format for some still life work. It's a project in progress at the moment and is giving me the chance to paint with light...a technique I love. I'm dithering and whittling about it but someone has the confidence in my ability to produce a half decent still life and I don't want to disappoint them...eeek.

Henry went off on a music residential today for the recorder. Anyone who knows H knows he doesn't really take to new situations well. We encourage him but have never forced him, and we've let him go at his own pace.

Well I am stunned! In spite of knowing no-one there he couldn't wait to get inside the hall where they are staying. He bounded in, introduced himself to the woman in charge, led me to his dorm, chose a top bunk, introduced himself to three other little boys and their parents, then kissed me and Noah goodbye and dismissed us! I needed someone to pinch me! Where on earth did this self-possessed young man spring from?

He's only away one night and there is a concert for the parents tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait to hear all about his adventures afterwards! Go H.

And if he can take the bull by the horns and move forward into previously uncharted can his mum...maybe...

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