
By Juleshki


Oh, my sweet gorgeous Jakey-Boy.
Perfect model.
So patient and so placid.

He still has his mad bonkers moments though!

There was talk in the house the other morning of what Jakey might think or do if we got ourselves a new addition. That is, a kitten.

Would he like having a kitten around his house?
Would he hate having another cat in his space?

There are quite a few neighbours cats around where we live and some he likes and some he dislikes with a vengeance.

When his sister Fluffy-Girl was alive she was most definitely Top Cat and that is the role he has taken on since she's been gone. (Yes, I realise he's the only cat in the household now, (if not the village!) so he kind of would be, I know, but that's beside the point I think...!)

We just love him any way he wants to be.

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