Arlo. Aka Cowboy Big Brother among many others....

Last night I had a 'consultation' with Arlo's nursery teacher. Parent's night to you and I. I was looking forward to it, in some ways, thinking I would receive a big folder of hilarious artwork, lovingly painted by him and to the general idea of being given an insight into what he does when he's not with me 2.5 hours a day Monday - Friday (answer = exactly the same as what he does with me, only more polite and less shouty. And tantrummy. And noisy. And with less tears).

I was also slightly anxious in case I was told something about him that I'd missed (resulting in me feeling like a terrible mother) or being told that he goes around the class slapping children every minute he's there (resulting in me feeling like a terrible mother) or being told he's going to grow up to be some kind of evil overlord with plans to blow up the entire universe (resulting in me feeling like a terrible mother).

In the end, I was told that I should be a proud mother because he's a wonderful boy, full of imagination, kindness and empathy for others (yay). She even went as far as to say that she felt he was going to grow up to be a really lovely man.

What can you say to that?! I just beamed and laughed at all her stories and she said 'yes, you should laugh - what a boy! You should be so proud of him'.

And I absolutey am. Even with the 'driving-me-to-the-edge-of-madness' bits.

Well done that boy. Let's hope all the school reports are as glowing as the first nursery one.

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