This is Constance.

6 years ago, Constance found that her marathon times suddenly deteriorated. She underwent some tests and was found to have lung cancer.

Her cancer was too advanced to be operated on. She underwent 2 months of chemotherapy and radiation. She has been in remission since. She has run several half marathons in the last few years but is now about to run her first competitive marathon in six years.

She spoke at a meeting yesterday. Her perspective is quite fascinating: rather than fight and battle and curse her cancer, she acknowledges that the cancer cells are part of her. These cancer cells need to be redirected she feels. "If you have a heart attack, you don't get angry at your heart " she says.

Whatever one makes of the reasons why some people do well while others flounder, i cannot help but respect her tenacity and love her spirit.

November is apparently Lung Cancer Awareness month.

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