an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


this is a very big part of my life right now, so it seems remiss not to include it.

it has been a good week for training - moving up to 9 miles on saturday. it is funny how the body can change in even two years, how a style can be different, how the muscles have moved and shifted and adapted to new ways of being and thinking. how old trails can be forgotten and new ones picked up.

i am not one of those people made for running - all wrong for it in fact. but it is something i love, quite a lot, and i am not bad at it, just average.


i hate this time of year: the time change. go to work just after light, return just after dark. i miss all the best light of the day, sitting inside, where our light is nothing for photography and the opportunities can be limited. so i end up at home with blips of the every day. i miss my daily walk to work. there was always something new to see.

i miss that, yes. the greatest drawback of moving back home: there is no walking to work.

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