Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Today is My Birthday!

I celebrate the 17th day of every month, but none is better than the 17th day of the 11th month. It's my birthday!

This has been one fan-tab-u-lous birthday! It started 15 minutes before midnight last night when I opened my email to see a birthday greeting from a blipper in South Africa. Then received greetings from several other blippers throughout this day -- that's very special.

Then I headed to bed (extremely late) and figured crawling out of bed on my birthday morn would be impossible, so I was pleasingly surprised when I woke before the alarm abruptly announced the day. I woke to a dozen red roses, a birthday balloon, and a fresh brewed cup of coffee all graciously given to me by Mr. Fun.

I had to be at the campus Writing Center by 8:00. So I drove there listening to The Low Spark of High Heeled Boys; a song by Traffic that is a favorite of mine. I had a class to teach at 10:30, and this was the day that I finally completed the grading that I've been doing for days. I now have two weeks without an essay to grade. That is a birthday gift whose timing was perfect!

As soon as my commitments at the campus were finished, I rendezvoused with Mr. Fun for a late and leisure lunch, which was a lot of fun. Then we headed home to let the pooches out of their crates, that's when I captured this photo will all three of them and the whales -- a real family portrait, don't you think!

Then I needed to take a package to the post office to send to my sis whose birthday is in two days. When I arrived back home it was nearing 5:00 p.m. and I thought I'd take a sneak peek at FaceBook while Mr. Fun was downloading some music from iTunes for me.

Gosh, I opened FaceBook and found myself in the middle of a cyber-party. I had birthday greetings from friends I haven't heard from in ages. So I took several moments and wrote a comment back to each of them and found myself in a multi-directional conversation with friends who were online answering my comments and on and on. It was really fun.

We had decided several days ago not to go away for my birthday because we weren't sure the pooches were doing well enough to leave them at the kennel. I had no agenda for my birthday evening and no major expectations, and really didn't care if we went out to eat or stayed home, so we stayed home; built a fire; ordered a delicious pizza; watched the recent Tom Hanks & Julia Roberts movie, Larry Crowne, via iTunes; this has been an immensely enjoyable evening.

The celebration continues tomorrow morning when I think we're headed for the ocean and then we're going to stretch this celebration through the remainder of the weekend.

Thank you to everyone who has left a birthday greeting on yesterday's page.

Good night from Southern Californa -- the land of birthdays!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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