The lightening

Caleigh is now at the beginning of the 9th month of her pregnanacy with Wee Jimmy . He could arrive at anytime as his head is down and he is measuring over his size for this many weeks. Apparently when they settle into the right position its called the lightening. Caleigh and Craig are getting a tad impatient waiting on his arrival but I think Caleigh is still very nervous about the birth.

We met and all went out for dinner tonight, some quality time together was fun. We all went for a curry, not intentionally trying to bring on labour I would like to stress. On the way home we nipped into Tesco. I have been holding off from buying anything for WJ until he's actual born but I couldn't resist the little Reindeer baby grow, it even had a hood with ears! He's going to look so cute. Caleigh and Craig loved it. We measured it against her bump, it will surely fit lol.

Now just a waiting game until we meet him. His due date is the day before my birthday, 13th of December, we're all taking bets on dates and weights.

wee jimmy's first mention to me but not announced to the world -

Wee Jimmy # 1

Wee Jimmy #2

Wee Jimmy # 3

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