Cameron's edited life

By cameronmcvean

A dichotomy?

I have a degree of sympathy for the protestors currently camped out in Edinburgh's St Andrew's Square; after all, who else is shouting about the way that the average man in the street has been well and truly shafted by the immense uncontrolled greed of the new generation of capitalists?

I do however have a wee snigger at the headlines in their literature (bottom left) that says: "talkin' about a revolution" - and the lady minding the camp is blethering away on her mobile phone. It would be a classic irony if she was using Vodaphone, the company that has become synonomous with tax evasion!

Feeling a bit flat today - I hope the Friday evening football and post-match bottle of wine lifts my spirits.

You all have a good weekend y'hear...

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