Letting in the light
The upstairs hall is my favourite part of our new house. It links bedrooms and the bathroom (and the scary room on the right with no floor) and floods the house with light. The doors at the front open onto a small balcony (of dubious solidity) over the courtyard pictured a couple of days ago. One day, this will be a light airy space surrounded with books, maybe a comfy chair or two, for reading and loafing about. Tomorrow, that dream will take a small step forward with the floor being sanded.
Today was mostly about grumpiness, painting and cleaning. And, after lunch, trying to figure out who had come into the MBH while we were having lunch back at our rented house, and spat on the floor, crapped in our WC and flushed it... when it's not properly plumbed in so all ended up on the floor... Later, after the grumpiness, we picked up the sander for the weekend of 'joy' ahead (we both hate sanding floors) and then had a genuinely lovely family movie night. I had bought the final Harry Potter movie on DVD - without the kids knowing. I cooked duck and chips (always a crowd pleaser) and we ate in front of the movie. Everyone was very happy, though as the only one who'd read the book I had a tricky job of knowing whether and when to answer questions about the plot ("why did he do that?" "why didn't the wand work?") without knowing whether or when they would be dealt with in the movie.
Lovely evening. Now set to continue with some iPlayer catch-up with Mr B and, I think, another early night.
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