The Space Garage Launchpad

I built this with my daddy - a combined garage for my Peppa van and launchpad for my Peppa rocket. The steps and the tree were my innovation. I went to the doctor this morning and she said that my ear is all better now. I took Teddy with me and told the doctor that he had a sore tummy. I asked her to look at him, so she put her stethoscope on his tummy and prodded it and pronounced him fine. Then I wanted the stethoscope on my tummy - it was cold! Auntie Katie was off work today, and she took me to the library. Then her and Gran got me a cake from the baker's - sshh, don't tell Mum! After nursery, Mum and I went to Louisa's house. We had lots of fun together. What a busy day!

Yesterday, Orla had a bit of a meltdown at nursery. A teacher who isn't her key worker tried to help her in the toilets, and she burst out crying. Her key worker told my Dad about it when he went to collect her. Last night, Orla and I had a chat about it, and how Orla crying would have made the teacher feel sad. We agreed that it would be nice if Orla said sorry. I went to pick her up today, and had a little chat about it with her key worker. She said it was very out of character for Orla (good, I was worried that she behaves like that at nursery all the time!). Orla said, "I haven't said sorry yet." So she went up to the teacher concerned, who asked her what she wanted. At first she said, "I don't know" but then she said, "I'm sorry" and came running back to me. The teacher seemed very surprised, and I was very very proud of my girl. I don't think it will happen again.

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