Another Beautiful Day

By drewzealand

Mick Jagger lips required

Even after the Feb earthquake they were still allowing them to build new homes out at Brooklands,Duh! Money,money,money....
An elderly gentleman came looking for a friend after the Feb earthquake.He started telling me a story about how Christchurch was settled.The Scottish were here first,he said.They took one look at the place and said "Swamp" and moved onto Dunedin.
Then came the English,moving in lock,stock and barrel.It now seems the land could not hold the lock stock and barrel up.
I do believe the gentleman was Scottish.
They've known about the liquification problem since the early seventies,did nothing about it and continued to build on land that definitely was not suitable.
A couple weeks back,we had a 2.7 quake.The house shook like a truck just drove into it.A few years back,you wouldn't have felt it..
If the ground is that weak now.why is the whole east side not RED?
River and land remediation was bandied about like a ping pong ball after the first quake.Its not mentioned very often now.You ask questions,but all you get is flogged off to someone somewhere down the line who still doesn't have any answers.House sales on this side of town are non existent now.Across the street is red and we're green.Theres many stories like this.A road or a fence line makes that much difference.You do have to wonder who gave these people their degrees.
Just letting off steam,sorry.

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