Jack the "Blipper"

By jackjack

Pop up Precious!

Lovely Arty farty studio lads, Neil and Alan hosted the opening of a jewellery exhibition tonight and they PROMISED Prosecco.
So there's Alan looking all sheepish. He glances in the direction of the mezzanine and there I see a row of empty Prosecco bottles :-(

I do not come away empty handed though.
I am gifted a sepia print of Edinburgh Castle in the snow. I think I could recreate and actually better the picture...............
once the snow arrives I will give it a bash.

This is probably my least favourite photo on blip so far this year but I was counting on a photo of the Prosecco. These are some earrings from the exhibition which I thought looked the most "normal" from an eclectic range!
Pop up Precious exhibits run for 2 weeks if you like "different" jewellery

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