Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo


When I was very young, it was commonly believed that a weekly dose of a purgative was necessary for good health. One of the various forms administered to my brother and me was a thick concentrated syrup of figs. I don't remember if I hated the taste or the effect more, but the result was that I couldn't bring myself to eat figs for many years. Now I enjoy them, fresh or dried.

C and I usually eat a few figs with a cup of tea after lunch. We do it for the taste, and yes, for the fiber. My parents would probably have been amused.

When I told C what my blip was going to be today, she commented that it would be difficult to make a dried fig attractive. She was right. Notwithstanding my elaborate studio setup and advanced technical skills, I have to admit that this photo is not likely to make people want to take their first taste of a dried fig.

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