One of five a day

By KiloRomeo

Busker 'Deco Tricone

The short version: Andrew bought 'another' guitar

The long version is below...
Not everyday that my manager bursts into a song. It's not as if he's grumpy or anything, but today he had a shiny new guitar to try out.

It's a precursor to the electric guitar, I'm told. The resonating chamber has three cones to amplify the sound and its body is very shiny, made of brass. It is also very heavy. If you are interested see the manufacturer's website. I don't claim to know much about these things.

Later another colleague, only known as The Artist for now, demonstrated his slide guitar technique using a pickle bottle. He is good, I assure you. There were other talents around the office, who entertained us too. In future blips, I hope to introduce them all to you. Between taking a few random shots, I went around the office, cap in hand, but generosity was not forthcoming.

For what this is blip is, I have to say, it is largely 'make-do' as I could not actually spend much time or effort on photography today. It is not a particularly inspired shot or had much thought put into it. It is also a pretty drastic crop.

The weekend is here. I hope you all have a pleasant one, whatever you all are doing. Oh I know, I am behind on comments. I remember all of you. BFN :))

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