....You've got the look.......

hebs is going to kill me for this!

As a staff we've always maintained that our Headteacher has "a look"...the one he puts on when he's not happy, or thinks someone is overstepping the mark. Well last night while we were out dining with the Russians I captured the look on camera....twice.

I printed the shots this morning and we're saving them for the next time he denies he has "a look".

I took this shot during the interval of the show that marked the end of our Russian friends time in school with us....and I think we can all see that quite clearly hebs has "a look" too.

The show was fantastic and the after show party even better...we supplied cheese and biscuits and red and white wine and the Russians supplied .......vodka....what else!?

The only trouble was hebs had left early, the Head wasn't drinking and the rest of the staff were largely female and Russians don't think females should drink vodka....Michelle and Jackie tried one, I think Dai had one, but it was left to myself and Chris as the Head put it...."to uphold the honour of the school."

Russians drink vodka simply, largish shots, a piece of food and down in one with the toast "Nazdrovya!" or "Dodna!".......I had already got through three glasses of red before the vodka was opened.....and I know I had at least six vodkas....well when the head tells you you have to you can't really say "No"

So, I'm home, a nice warm glow and I've opened my gift....caviar, chocolates and.....what else? ......a bottle of vodka.

So all I have to do now is
1. Get some sleep
2. Get up in the morning and meet the boys to get the bait for Sunday's fishing.
3. Go to work to make bacon butties for the Russians before they set off for a day in Blackpool
4. Get home by 10 for a couple of hours baby wrangling with Charlie while the Boss, daughter and YH are at an NCT sale.
5. Edit and download my 250+ shots onto discs for the Russians
6. Download all my shots of the visit onto a flickr account in case you want to see them...well worth it even if I do say so myself!
7. Go back to the hotel to meeet them at about 6.00
8. Go out for a last drink with them
9. Come home and collapse in an exhausted heap!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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