What season is it again?

Well, today we had bags of Christmas ornaments out, selling them for 30 cents each at the dorm. On a hot, humid, sunny day like today, I would believe it's mid-July if you told me. However, we're not going to let the weather keep us from getting excited about the season at hand.

Luckily, here we are not inundated by the songs, over-the-top decorations, and consumerism of Christmas (as much). Instead it turns into a time to share the history behind the holiday, and why we find it so special.

Onto another topic, what do you do when....

You're checking your email and a mouse runs by your chair and scurries behind a picture frame on the ground? You jump up and squish it between the picture frame and the wall. Unfortunately, no one else is in the room to help you, so you take books off the bookcase and stack them between the picture frame and the bookcase so the mouse is stuck. Then you wait until morning. Welcome to my life in Thailand. Cruel? Maybe, but this is a people house, not a mouse house. Sorry (but not really, but do kinda feel a little bad...)

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