campervan man

By campervan

London to Brighton

Every year, usually on Father?s Day thousands and thousands of cyclists peddle from the heart of London to the sea at Brighton, about 60 miles. On the way they have to cross both the North and South Downs, possibly only pimples in the world of "real" cyclists but very daunting for normal people.

The roads they use are closed or limited to one way for cars most of the day. It causes disruption over a large area. It is still a magnificent sight to see all these people, old ones, fat ones, very unfit ones and just strange ones putting in the effort for charity. You all have my utmost respect. I have been saying for over 20 years I will do it one day. I hope in 20 years time I will be able to say the same.

Not everyone makes it. Some do not have the right equipment. Not everyone has their mum to carry their bike home for them.

Again its people and I am concerned. If you are in this picture and are unhappy please tell me and I will replace it immediately

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