Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

To Be Savoured

I was given this chocolate by my daughter for Fathers Day (my son gave me a CD boxed set of blues).

I went to visit my Dad in the afternoon. He was dozing when I arrived so it took a while before he started making any sense and was having real problems in staying awake.

He moved from this seat to the setee where he had a thick bit of foam to sit on to make it easier to get up. Because of his Parkinsons he sometimes has trouble in actually sitting down. This time as he dropped down Mum tried to take hold of his shoulder. Dad immediatley shouted at her to stop pushing him.

This is the sort of aggression which can come from nowhere which (unsurprisingly) has got my mother rather scared. It is also the behaviour that my sister seems to think is all my mothers fault.

It is also so completely out of character for Dad and is getting more frequent as his Parkinsons and dymentia is rapidly taking over.

My brother will not see him as the same father he used to have to when he comes over from the States for my daughters wedding in a few weeks ...... he hasn't seen him in over a year.

Speak to your Dad if you can't visit........he is the only one you have and no matter how much you want him to be there - he wont be. Time is precious - use it wisely

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