The Rickety Man

By shamyasus

Living in the material world...

I've had a day shopping in(or being dragged round) manchester, it's ok as I've mentioned before, I am the official bag carrier.
So...what is it about feeling things? Nearly every shop we went in, the importent thing seemed to be the feel of things.
"Oooh!...just feel this" she'd say, "Ooh! that feel so soft!"????
I think for christmas I'll get her a swatch-book of different textures and a blind-fold!
This blip pic is a window display oppposite Harvey Nicks. It seems a bit cruel to shoot a baby elephant, stuff it, paint it like an harlequinn and stick it in a window to sell a hand-bag, but hey!.......we are the masters-race!
(that's a joke!!!'s a quite cool display I think)

The title: Living in the material world- my wife caught on her phone, but I didn't see, two Hare Krishna's (complete in saffron) walking through the arndale carrying Primark bags. Hari Rama!!!

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