If You Could See Me Now


Hattie & Harrison

You've probably seen Hattie in a lot of the images I have taken over the past... 4 years?

She's one of my best friends, and she also makes a wonderful model ;)

This her and her boyfriend, Harrison - another assignment shoot that she kindly agreed to partake in!

I like these!

I can't wait to put them into the final work!

I have been banned from putting my phone on silent...

As Nick had to take me back to the park we had been at during the day at 11pm to make sure I hadn't dropped it on the field.

Went to bed in a grump last night because I hadn't found it.

Took some rubbish out this morning, turned around and it was sitting, face down, in a pot by the door...

Don't ask me how it got there.

If it was on loud we would have heard it...

SO no more putting my phone on silent...

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