Nesssaintee's World

By nesssaintee

Sleeplessness :-(

Sleep has been in short supply the last few days, can't sleep, then when I do, my neighbours kick off
I feel so low and drained :-(
Sat out on my patio doors and watched the clouds drift by, occasionally breaking to let the moon and some of the stars shine through.
You can see Sinus Iridum (Bay of Rainbows) just about to creep into the shadow for a while, along with Montes Jura (The Jura Mountains) about three quarters of the way up at the moment.
Briefly saw Mars creeping on it's way, under the tummy of Leo the Lion.
Saw Saturn too, it wasn't really worthwhile taking the cat out :-(
Or maybe I really could not be bothered
I don't know, I'm so lost, don't know where to turn :-(
"If you could feel,
How I must feel,
The winds of quiet change.
If you could see,
What I must see,
Still hidden in the rain.
But when the thunder rolls,
It comes and covers up my soul.
And you will take my hand, and be
With me in wonderland.
I am an honest man,
I need the love of you.
I am a working man,
I feel the winter too."
Wonderland - Big Country

Sorry everyone :-(

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